Whispering Heart

Whispering Heart

Jul 13, 2024Sarah Beaudry

Wisdom in Yoga

I am continually in awe of the wisdom I discover through Yoga. The wisdom comes to me from deep within my soul and expands outward from my heart. This knowledge does not come from my brain. It comes from something much deeper, much more profound. Wisdom comes to me in whispers from my heart through meditation, breath, and sound.

It is Spirit

It is spirit. Like the sound of trees speaking in wind. And the silent echo after a wave's crash. It lives in me and through me. In the world around me. In Yoga, it is called atma.

In yoga philosophy, atma refers to the individual self or soul. It is the eternal, unchanging essence of a person, separate from the physical body and mind. According to Yoga Philosophy, the goal of yoga is to realize the true nature of the self, or atma, and to experience a sense of oneness with the universal consciousness.

Peace from Within

Understanding our oneness with universal consciousness brings about a state of inner peace, liberation from suffering, and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.

Taking it to the Mat

The practice of yoga helps us connect with our inner selves, to become more self-aware, and to ultimately realize the true nature of the self. This can be achieved through practices such as meditation, mantra (Vedic chants), pranayama (breathing exercises), and asana (physical postures).

For the Love in Teaching

My favorite lessons in Yoga come when I am teaching. I personally love to chant and practice Mantra-Meditation. Some students are hesitant to share in the sounds of their voices. I understand. I was shy when I first started Vedic Chanting lessons. My voice was weak and unknown to me. Over the years I have gained confidence and let go of my self-consciousness. When I first began, I never imagined I would be leading groups in chanting. 

Togetherness through Sound

I teach a small group of students Yoga for Parkinson's and they love to chant. Perhaps because their voices become soft k in sound due to Parkinson's, yet through the vibration of Vedic mantras, sound becomes a new and hopeful experience. Together, we chant Om Shanti, gently, softly -- often with gentle movement or with our hands at our hearts.

The Sound of Hope

We chant. Sometimes out of order, sometimes in a whisper, sometimes with no sound leaving the lips only the motion of the mouth. At first there is breath, then effort. Sound moves from the belly over the back of the throat. Maybe it gets stuck for a moment or someone coughs. And then sound moves out over the tongue meeting air at the lips.

In the Moment

All that matters in the moment is the effort. There is no perfection; only the sound of hope; the sound of connection; the sound of spirit.

Recognizing Spirit

And, I know. We feel movement in our hearts, atma -- a spirit we recognize within if only for a moment's grace. By the warm look of surprise and joy that comes over my student's faces, I know we are connected in the moment through stillness and vibration. We breathe it in together with a moment of joy and gratitude.

It is an experience of vibration connected to stillness, connected to life, connected to each other.

We know we are capable; we know we are alive. And, we know we are together by the pulse of sound and life.  

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