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Love to Love the Yoga Sutras - 2.2

Jan 29, 2025Sarah Beaudry

Yoga Sutra 2.2: samādhi-bhāvanā-arthaḥ kleśa-tanūkaraṇa-arthaḥ-ca

Move Away from Suffering and Toward Inner Peace

In the previous sutra (2.1), Patanjali introduces the concept of Kriya Yoga, the Yoga of Action, which consists of three key elements: self-discipline (tapas), self-study and reflection (svadhyaya), and devotion or surrender to a higher source (Ishvarapranidhana). Now, in Sutra 2.2, he reveals the deeper purpose of this path.

The practice of Kriya Yoga serves two primary purposes:

  1. A Taste of Samadhi – Through dedicated practice, we begin to experience glimpses of samadhi, the meditative absorption that brings inner stillness and profound clarity. This state of deep connection and presence is the ultimate goal of yoga, where the fluctuations of the mind settle, and we experience a sense of unity and peace.

  2. The Reduction of Kleshas (Sources of Suffering) – Yoga is not just about attaining higher states of consciousness; it is also a process of clearing away the mental and emotional obstacles that keep us stuck in suffering. The kleshas are afflictions of the mind—deep-seated patterns that cloud our perception and create inner turmoil. Through practice, we gradually loosen their grip and move toward greater freedom and clarity.

Patanjali will later outline the five primary kleshas that cause suffering:

  • Avidya (Ignorance) – Misunderstanding the true nature of reality
  • Asmita (Egoism) – Identifying too strongly with the self
  • Raga (Attachment) – Clinging to pleasure
  • Dvesha (Aversion) – Rejecting or resisting discomfort
  • Abhinivesha (Fear of Death) – Deep-rooted fear of impermanence

By engaging in the disciplined practice of Kriya Yoga, we start to dissolve these afflictions, paving the way for a more meditative, peaceful state of being. This process is not instant, but with persistence and dedication, we begin to witness a shift—a movement away from suffering and toward inner liberation.

As we continue through the sutras, Patanjali will further explore these kleshas and how we can work through them on our journey toward samadhi. For now, we are invited to reflect: How does our daily practice—whether through movement, breath, or contemplation—help us move away from suffering and closer to inner stillness?

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